How to Get a Mentor


"Whenever I am asked what is the missing link between a promising businessperson and a successful one, mentoring comes to mind." 
Richard Branson

Recently, a friend asked me how she can find a mentor. Here’s my answer:

In her best-selling book Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg explains that careers are a jungle gym and not a ladder. Mentors can help you navigate your way to achieving your goals. The first step is recognising areas that you would like to develop. After that, it’s all about choosing the person that fits you best. Smart Company has a pretty good check list of what to look for. 

But onto how to get a mentor.

Here are 3 ways you can get a mentor: 
1   1) Keep your eyes peeled
Seems pretty obvious. If you’re looking for a mentor, you really need to look for one. Your next mentor could be anywhere. Maybe it’s someone who spoke at that conference you went to last week or that person you always see at the gym. Look everywhere and let other people know you’re looking so they can keep their eyes peeled too.

2) Share your interests
I’ve found a great way of networking is to share your interests. If you meet someone new ditch the platitudes and chats about weather for stuff that makes you tick. I’ve been interrupted on several occasions mid- passionate ramble to a ‘I should introduce you to…’.

3) Cold Call / Cold-Email
You don’t necessarily have to have met your potential mentor in the flesh. Do a google search, make sure they’re right for you and then go for it. Warning: they may have commitment issues. Don’t ask them to be your mentor straight away. Go for coffee, if they’re a good fit for you the rest will work itself out from there. If this method seems a bit intimidating check out my guide on ‘How to Cold-Email’.

Good luck, I hope you find that person who will help turn your from a promising business person to a successful one.

I’ve written this blog to share what worked for me.
How did you find your mentor? Let me know on twitter @DanushiPeiris.

Until next time,


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